Thursday, February 27, 2020


Here is a post from another blog of mine:

"Ellen's mom put her in the sun young so her hair would be white, and her skin used to be dark, like an orange, as a baby and toddler.

It seems sometimes all Ellen wants to say is that only blondes get it.  However, she seemed rebellious of her mom making her so stimulated and with white hair, so she didn't even do it.  She might think nothing happened in the world because it's only okay with white hair.  What if it's true?  Maybe, we can put an end to her frustrations and unwanted power."
What if it's the plain truth Ellen DeGeneres does not get ultimate stimulation still?

Poll I Made

Just say something pleasurable, and it's for Germans.
Didn't Germans used to have respect for decent Americans?
So many Germans are unsuccessful and are racial brats.
I'm having tea with my Ritz crackers and peanut butter, waiting for the tea to cool.
I know Baby Boomers and Early Generation X gave up on Generation X because they already expressed their disgust and moved on to Generation Z.
I'm thinking of having Ritz crackers and peanut butter (always get Peter Pan.)
So, Germans think anyone feeling more pleasured or being more successful than them means, "It's a Jew, again!"
In some ways at some times, I wonder if only futuristic people like Asians and people who are mixed with Asian and white.  However, a lot of the people mixed with white and Filipino had a hard time and became the poster image for the success of people mixed with white and any kind of "Oriental" Asian, like Japan to Vietnam.
The only gift and talent at some point some Baby Boomers have is maybe people born in the late 1980s and early 1990s are better than me and deserve better and are scrambling to fix them and ruin my life in the process.